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Showing results 961 to 980 of 1069 < previous   next >
2024T-perfect graphs and self-complementary graphsWang, Shenghua
2021Task partitioning and offloading in collaborative edge computing environmentsSahni, Yuvraj
1995A telecommunication infrastructure between Hong Kong and ChinaFok, Yat Kai
2007Terminology extraction using contextual informationJi, Luning
2003Testing multimedia software using Hybrid Control Flowgraph-Petri Net approachCheng, Ka-fai
2012Texton encoding based texture classification and its applications to hand-back skin texture analysisXie, Jin
2011Time series clustering with applications in stock market analysisZhou, Peiyuan
2001Time series pattern matching, discovery & segmentation for numeric-to-symbolic conversionFu, Tak-chung
1998Timetabling using genetic algorithmsLeung, Yim-ming
2007Tinge CRM projectLi, Heng
2007To improve service center operations by using data mining technologyChong, Kin-tak David
2016Toward dependable cyber-physical systems : a study on design pattern and evaluation methodologyTan, Feng
2024Toward effective image restoration from raw domainGuo, Shi
2023Toward effective real-world image restoration and enhancementLiang, Jie
2024Toward next-generation AI-powered recommender systems : exploration of pretraining and generative approachesLiu, Qijiong
2024Toward robust image restoration and enhancement with deep learningWang, Cong
2024Toward smarter cities : exploring data-driven approaches to human-land interaction by artificial urban intelligenceLuo, Yan
2020Towards a blockchain-based secure and efficient DNSGao, Huahui
2016Towards a QoE-aware video streaming systemMok, Ka-Pui
2000Towards a situational BPR model : from readiness assessment to implementationSha, Ching-yue Clara