Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 215 to 234 of 333 < previous   next >
2020Nanofiber based light-matter interaction for high performance laser spectroscopyQi, Yun
1997Neural network to area short-term load forecastingChan, Chun-keung
2018Nonlinear fiber-optic communications using nonlinear frequency division multiplexingGui, Tao
2005Novel adaptive control algorithms via soft computing methodsHo, Ho-fai James
2003Novel algorithms for longitudinal and lateral control for application in autonomous vehiclesCai, Lin
2015A novel fast remesh-free finite element method for optimal design of electric machinesZhao, Yanpu
2015Novel hollow-core optical fiber gas and acoustic sensorsYang, Fan
2023A novel interleaved current-source switched-inductor step-up converter with interleaved current-source boost filterZhuang, Haichen
2014Novel magnetic gears and their performance analysisPeng, Shan
2003Novel mutation operators & their application to regularization of artificial neural networksChan, Shun-heng
2008Novel splice techniques and micro-hole collapse effect in photonic crystal fibersXiao, Limin
2021Numerical methods for topology optimization of electromagnetic devicesYang, Wenjia
2016Optical fiber biochemical sensors based on micro-/nano-structured polymeric coatingsYin, Mingjie
2011Optical fiber devices fabricated by femtosecond laser micro-machining for sensing applicationsYang, Minwei
2000Optical fiber long period grating sensorsWong, Chi-too Jeffrey
2021Optical fibre sensor in medical applicationLaw, On Kit
2011Optical performance monitoring for next generation coherent optical communication systemsShen, Shunrong
2014Optical sensors and devices based on highly birefringent micro/nanofibersJin, Wa
2020Optical µ-printing of polymer 3D micro-optics/components for opto-bio-microsystemsOuyang, Xia
2023Optically 3D micro-printed fiber-top optomechanical resonators for photoacoustic gas sensingHo, Chun Yip