Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 248 to 267 of 333 < previous   next >
2018Photothermal gas spectroscopy with hollow-core photonic bandgap fibre : from fundamental mechanism to distributed sensing applicationLin, Yuechuan
2022Plasmonic gold nanohelicoid mediated chiral light-matter interactionGao, Han
2016Plug-in electric vehicle charging control for wind power integration enhancementLuo, Xiao
2009Polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber based sensors and fiber Bragg gratings sensor systemFu, Hongyan
2013A policy framework for sustainable electricity market developmentWu, Yang
2015Polymer optical fiber ASE light source and random laserChan, Wing-kin Edward
1999Power system stability enhancement employing controllers based on a versatile modelingChung, Chi-yung
2023Probabilistic analysis of small signal stability based on multi-dimensional holomorphic embedding methodSun, Bohan
2023Probabilistic power flow analysis of active distribution networksWu, Siyuan
2006Probabilistic robust damping controller designs for FACTS devices and PSSBian, Xiaoyan
2013Probabilistic small signal stability analysis for power systems with plug-in electric vehicle and wind power integrationHuang, Huazhang
2021Promoting transit in the multimodal traffic environmentWu, Liyu
2007Protection coordination in power system with distributed generationsWan, Hui
2003Qualitative bond graph approach to intelligent supervisory coordinatorLo, Chi-hang
2018Quantification of the forecasting uncertainty in smart gridChai, Songjian
2012Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy and its association with fiber-optic devicesCao, Yingchun
2019Random laser in polymer optical fiber and other disorder optical systemsHe, Jijun
2006Reactive power and security studies in an open power marketLin, Xujun
2000Reactive power optimizationFung, Shun-kau
2005Real-time electromagnetic electromechanical hybrid transient simulation for large power systemsSu, Hongtian