Browsing by Department > Department of Health Technology and Informatics

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Showing results 394 to 404 of 404 < previous 
2023Validation of CT-identified intracranial arterial calcification as a novel imaging biomarker for reperfusion therapy of ischemic stroke patients : serial hospital-based clinical researchDu, Heng
2014The validation of down regulated genes COL6A1 and THBS3 in p110δ pathogenesisLee, Paul
2014Validation of gene expression (SPP1 and ITGB1) induced by knockdown of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase delta gene (PIK3CD) in U373MG human glioblastoma cellsNg, Yuen Wah Joanna
2013Validation of gene expression of ITGA7 and ITGB3 induced by p110δ in the pathogenesis of glioblastoma multiformeCheung, Hoi Yan, Jade
2013Validation of gene expression TGFBI & TIMP1 induced by p110δ isoform of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) in glioblastoma multiformeLam, Wai Che
2012Vancomycin intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : characterization of resistance development, detection and treatment strategiesDoddangoudar, Vijaya Chandranna
2021The vital role of white adipose tissue in the regulation of intestinal homeostasis and systemic metabolismLong, Kekao
2016Vitamin D status in young adults in Hong Kong : a biomarker approach to a public health concernWang, Weilan Erica
2013WalK gene : mutation detection in non-susceptible Staphylococcus aureusUn, Cheuk Hang Henry
2013WalK gene mutation in Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) clinical strainsChow, Miu Yee Mandy
2016Whole exome sequencing of type II enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphomaTsang, Hin Fung