Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 50 to 69 of 342 < previous   next >
2013Campus Query and Navigation SystemHuang, Qiaofen
2020Characterizing InSAR layover and multipath signals in dense urban environmentsZhao, Jingwen
2013Cognition-based simplification of maps for mobile-based navigationCheung, Yik Kong
2009A comparative analysis of performance of animation software for spatial visualizationLi, Xin
2012A comparative study of algorithms for vehicle detection with elevated video imagesLiu, Yachen
2012A comparative study of license plate localization methods with elevated video imagesXu, Wendi
2012A comparative study of various travel time representation approaches for a road networkTang, Fangqi
2018Comparing three algorithms for interpolating missing pixels in Landsat imageryZhou, Qiong
2019A comparison of change detection techniquies to detect illegal landfilling in rural areas : a case study in Hong KongChin, Sze Wing
2019Comparisons of different algorithms for indoor wi-fi positioningHan, Ying
2022Complexity-based optimization of cartographic design for multi-scale image-map generationPeng, Qian
2001Computer modelling of the Han Tomb at Lei Cheng Uk by photogrammetric surveyYip, Sair-wing
2020Construction of high-resolution lunar DEMs by fusing photogrammetry and shape-from-shadingLiu, Wai Chung
2005Correction of Terrain effects on satellite image radianceLaw, Kin-hang
2012Correlation of orthophoto and Demarcation District SheetZhang, Haodong
2011Coseismic deformation and ionospheric variation associated with Wenchuan earthquake estimated from InSARFeng, Guangcai
2024Cover-depth modelling and error correction of object mapping in reinforced concrete structures in the near-field of ground penetrating radarCham, Yui Kei
2019Daily variability of ridership and its relationship with rainfall : evidence from a dockless bike-sharing systemChen, Yuanyang
1994Data conversion, updating and integration of lis data in a CAD systemLaw, Shui-yin Jane
2003A data model for complex road network for vehicle navigation systemsHo, Sau-man Berlina