Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 231 to 250 of 342 < previous   next >
2023Network-based tourism attraction analysis using multi-source geotagged dataZhou, Xiaolin
2018Object detection performance analysis and improvements for passive global navigation satellite system based synthetic aperture radarZheng, Yu
2000Operational overviews of cadastral information systemChu, Hing-bong
2020An optimal alignment framework based on RGBD sensor error characteristicsLi, Wenbin
2023Optimization of point clouds extraction for BIM applicationsLam, On Wa
2011Outlier detection and data filtering in LiDAR data with multiple attributesPang, Gang
2024A performance based spatial growth assessment for land use efficiency nexus sustainable urban developmentMengiste, Bewketu Mamaru
2017Personalized 3D human body modelling and real-time motion tracking based on kinect v2Zeng, Cong
2013Photogrammetric approach for detection of rooftop illegal structuresLiu, Di
2018Photogrammetric point clouds generation from high-resolution imagery in urban areasYe, Lei
2020Plane extraction from inhomogeneous point clouds and plane-to-plane alignmentsFan, Wenzheng
2004Point- and line-based transformation models for high resolution satellite image rectificationAbd-Elrahman, Ahmed Mohamed Shaker
2008Positioning performance improvements with European multiple-frequency satellite navigation system-GalileoJi, Shengyue
2008PostgreSQL based spatiotemporal data managementChen, Jun
1999Precise determination of local geoid and its geophysical interpretationYang, Zhanji
2001Precise digital models for construction surveying of highway tunnelsLam, Yau-wah Steve
2014Precise geoid determination and its geophysical implications in Sri LankaHerath Mudiyanselage, Indika Prasanna
2018Precise reconstruction of indoor environments using RGB-depth sensorsDarwish, Walid Abdallah Aboumandour
2022Prediction and analysis of COVID-19 symptom onset risk at multi-spatial scales for effective epidemic controlTong, Chengzhuo
2022Probabilistic projections of hydrologic extremes under a warming climateZhang, Boen