Browsing by Department > Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

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Showing results 320 to 339 of 342 < previous   next >
2012Temperature projection in Hong Kong using remote sensing and dynamic modellingTo, Pui Hang
2012Temporarily coherent point SAR interferometryZhang, Lei
2011Terrain feature extraction at different levelsYan, Jingya
2016Toward generic object extraction from remote sensing images using spectral and spatial contextual informationLi, Zhongbin
2024Towards forest sustainability : detecting and characterizing forest tree decay levels from airborne LIDAR and CIR aerial imagery using deep learning and LiDAR metricsSani-Mohammed, Abubakar
2011Traffic parameters estimation based on video imagesLiu, Ye
2000Transformations of spatial representation in scale dimensionChoi, Yuen-hang
2018Tropospheric correction for long-range high precision GNSS positioning with regional numerical weather prediction modelsLiu, Min
2020Uncertainty analysis and data quality assurance in spatial big dataChen, Pengfei
2002Uncertainty in GIS analysis for landslide hazard assessmentKirk, Philip
2012Uncertainty-based map matching for land vehicle navigationYang, Cheng
2017Uncertainty-based spatial association rule miningZhang, Anshu
2011Uncovering road network structure through complex network analysisZhang, Hong
2022Understanding the urban form and public health - a case of Hong KongYao, Yepeng
2021Unified uncertainty models for depth estimation of objects in ground penetrating radar surveyXie, Fei
2012Usability evaluation of schematic London metro maps using eye-trackingLiu, Zheng
2009Use of MERIS data to detect the impact of flood inundation on land cover changes in the Lake Chad BasinIbrahim, Asma Turadu
2001The use of RTK mode of GPS and GIS in engineering survey for piling setting outTsoi, Yan-shan
2017Using ALOS PALSAR interferometry to monitor rapid mining subsidence over Fengfeng, Hebei, ChinaWang, Miao
2012Using Kriging in underground geological profiling : case study in Hong KongChan, Hin Wai