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Showing results 16 to 35 of 102 < previous   next >
2018Depend on whom? : the interplay between political networks and CEO core self-evaluation (CSE) on firm product innovationLiu, Yu
2005Determinants of the adoption of technological innovations in organizationsLeung, To March
2005Development of an end user information system satisfaction modelAu, Norman
2006Distance and product life cycle effects on market orientationWong, Hiu-kan Ada
2018Do business ethical values have any influence towards employee's lying and knowledge hiding behaviour?Tsang, Long Nei
2010Do relationships with multinational buyers improve the marketing capabilities of suppliers in transition economies?Wong, Ada Hiu-kan
2019Doctors in the People's Republic of China : a research of profession and professionalizationLi, Zheng
2011Does knowledge empower? An examination of knowledge seeking behavior in multinational corporationsChen, Liwei
2017The double-edged nature of technostress on work performance : a theoretical model and empirical analysisLei, Chun Fong
2022The (Dys-)functionality of within-team social hierarchy : the role of power and status as hierarchical basesWang, Fenghao
2007The effect of a Chinese translated brand name cue on brand associationsFu, Siu-fong Isabel
2020The effect of premium complementarity on product evaluationXu, Fei
2008The effects of customer knowledge process on improving product/service, frontline employee performance and customer relationship performanceShi, Jia
2022The effects of influencer-product congruence on consumer decisionsChen, Yuting
2019Effects of resource scarcity in consumer behaviorFan, Linying
2020Effects of secrecy in consumer behaviorHe, Dongjin
2020The effects of supply chain innovation, dynamic capabilities on supply chain performance in fashion industryWong, Tak Way David
2007Emergent use of enterprise systems by employees : exploring the human sideWang, Wei
2005Employee reciprocation to psychological contract fulfilment : a mediating model focusing on multiple exchange perspectivesCheung, Fung-yi Millissa
2006Employee stock option and psychological ownership : a study of a foreign-invested company in ChinaTan, Zhanchao Henry