Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 407 to 426 of 492 < previous   next >
2013Simulation-enabled prediction of metal-formed product defect and defect avoidanceZhang, Yin
2019Skin blood flow oscillation studies using laser doppler flowmetryChi, Tianxi
2022Soot formation and evolution characteristics of premixed hydrocarbon flamesJiang, Xiao
2022Sound absorption based on acoustic metasurfacesHuang, Sibo
2003Sound induced vibration and duct noise controlChoy, Yat-sze
2020Sound source localization and identification by array microphoneZhao, Jingyuan
2022Spectral analysis and correlation study of vasomotionLiu, Shuhong
2009Stability and thermal characteristics of rod-stabilized premixed flame jetsDrkos, Miroslav
2020Statistical patterns of geometric features of mechanically exfoliated two-dimensional (2D) materials : mechanics-based interpretation and applicationYang, Juntan
2008Stress analysis of triangular composite plate containing countersunk bolts and SMA pinsChan, Kuen-cheong
2001Stress concentration and fracture analysis of perforated woven composite platesNg, Sun-pui
2002Stress intensity factors for cracks at or close to and parallel to an interfaceSo, Wai-man Grace
2000Stress intensity factors for cracks close to the interface between dissimilar materialsPun, Hon-nang
2016Structural health monitoring-oriented damage characterization using nonlinear ultrasonic waves and active sensor networks : from fundamental investigations to engineering applicationsHong, Ming
2002Studies of single and multiple impinging hydrocarbon flame jetsDong, Leilei
2006Studies of speech intelligibility in classroomsCheung, Man-lung Stanley
2004Studies of the pre-mixed butane/air impinging flame jetsKwok, Lee-chiu
1998The studies of wall profile effect on taper-less air bearing in magnetic hard disk drivePang, Chi-chung
2019Study of combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel engine fueled with a ternary fuel (diesel-biodiesel-ethanol) in blended and fumigation modesAhmadighadikolaei, Meisam
2014A study of ductile fracture prediction in microforming process : constitutive modeling, numerical simulation and experimental verificationRan, Jiaqi