Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 353 to 372 of 492 < previous   next >
2015Parametric convergence bound of volterra series expansion and applications using nCOS-based analysis and designXiao, Zhenlong
2021Partition of unity finite element method and acoustic black hole effects : structural modelling and vibration suppressionZhou, Tong
2022Pedestrian navigation mobile device-based dead reckoning aided by factorsLiao, Qiushen
2015Performance and emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine fueled with biodiesel and dieselWei, Long
2003Pharmaceutical droplets formation and diagnostics techniques developmentWang, Yuan
2014Phase stability study of high entropy alloys (HEAs)Ng, Chun
2023Phase stability, transformations, and mechanical properties of FCC-based medium/high-entropy alloysFang, Jieyichen
2020Phase-field modeling of localized corrosion kinetics in metallic materialsAnsari, Talha Qasim
2021Phase-field modeling of the evolution kinetics of porous metals during dealloyingLi, Jie
2013Phase-field modeling on shear banding in amorphous alloys with improved ductilityZhang, Hongying
2013Phase-field simulation of void evolutionXiao, Zhi-hua
2015Photocatalytic nanofibers composed of oxides of titanium, zinc, and bismuth for the degradation of pollutant dye in water, nitric oxide and VOCPei, Chun
2022Physical mechanism and control of intraoperative floppy iris syndromeWang, Zhaokun
2017Physics-based design and optimization of domestic air purifier fan aeroacousticsWong, Yin Wai
2019A piecewise computational scheme for the vibro-acoustic modeling in mid-to-high frequency rangeHu, Zhongyu
2021Precipitation mechanisms and mechanical properties of new high-entropy alloys strengthened by dual precipitationGuo, Jiaming
2003The predicted effects of a barrier in an urban environmentTang, Siu-hong
2015Predicting and analyzing acoustic performance of reactive mufflers and muffler designYou, Xiangyu
2005Prediction and abatement of noise in long enclosuresLam, Pou-man
2004Prediction models for the acoustic performance of noise barriersWong, Hon-yiu