Browsing by Department > Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Showing results 473 to 492 of 492 < previous 
2022An ultrasonic testing-based research tool for real-time corrosion rate monitoringBai, Xinru
2023Using dual-frequency SBAS in BDS-3 for UDRE optimizationShao, Jingheng
2015Using psychoacoustic analysis to evaluate sound quality of hair-care productXu, Xi
2023UVIO : Gaussian-Kalman filtering UWB aided visual-inertial SLAM system for complex indoor environmentsLi, Junxi
2024Variation of spectral characteristic vasomotion at different locationsZhao, Liangjing
2013Vehicle queue effect on the characteristics of air flow, and exhaust scalar dispersion and distribution fields in the vehicle wakeHuang, Jiefeng
2021Ventilated helical structure acoustic metamaterialsChen, Siyu
2021Vibration analysis and active vibration control of the magnetically suspended flywheel rotorXiang, Biao
2006Vibration and damage monitoring in advanced composites using multiplexed fibre bragg grating (FBG) sensorsLing, Hang-yin
2016Vibration suppressing using viscoelastic materialCheng, Fan
2013Vibroacoustic analysis and design of cavity-backed microperforated panel absorbers for environmental noise abatementYang, Cheng
2022VIO-UWB loose coupling using weighted Kalman filter fusion algorithmChen, Jiacong
2021Vision based localization and mapping for UAV navigationChen, Shengyang
2020Vision-based motion control for a four-wheel drive mobile robotWang, Hao
2023Visual positioning based on sky-visibility matching with 3D city modelsWu, Miao
2011Wall shear stress sensing, friction drag reduction, and the wake of two staggered cylindersBai, Honglei
2022Wave propagation and coupling characteristics in nonlinear elastic metamaterialsLi, Jieming
2005Waves and oscillation in vortex ringsHuang, Jun
2018Wind-resistant hover control and wind field estimation of a VTOL tail-sitter UAVSun, Jingxuan
1995Wire electrical discharge machining of aluminium-based metal matrix composite materialsChan, Tak-wing