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Showing results 11088 to 11107 of 13291 < previous   next >
2003A study of the relationship between the Chinese values and the job-related motivators of the hotel employees in Hong KongTang, Lai-la Anne
2020A study of the relationship between wind velocity and heat transferZhou, Siqi
1997The study of the relationship of organizational commitment and occupational commitment with the intention to quit, job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) between production-line workers and technical staffs in a manufacturing firm in ShenzhenLau, Sek-wa Patrick
2000A study of the reliability and validity of the Chinese version aberrant behavior checklistLee, Wing-kin Siegfrid
1999A study of the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Dementia Rating ScaleChan, Heung-lan Irene
2001A study of the reliabiltiy [sic] and validity of the modified Lawton instrumental activities of daily living scale for the elderlyMan, Mei-hing Jane
2003A study of the risk factors of ICU acquired pneumonia and the effect of the closed suctioning method in reducing the risk of ICU-acquired pneumoniaTse, Kai-wing
2007A study of the self-construction of Chinese women artists and the influence it brings to their everyday life experience in the social and cultural context of Hong KongSze, Yuen Jannie
2015Study of the shading effect on the power output performance of different types of solar photovoltaic (PV) modulesNie, Yanlei
1998A study of the shearing behaviour of ball grid array, BGA in singulationCheung, Wing-wai Daniel
1995The study of the shearing behaviour of fine blanking and conventional blanking processesTam, Kam-hay
1995A study of the significant meteorological, local transport and photochemical factor/parameter influencing urban and rural air pollution level in Hong KongIp, Tat-yan
2016A study of the social benefits of built heritage conservation : a case of Hong KongHo, Wing Sum
2010A study of the sound of dental equipment on the feelings of patients in clinicsXu, Ying-feng
1994A study of the staff development of engineer grade in the civil engineering departmentLee, Tang-jui Andrew
1999A study of the strategies of clothing manufacturers in Hong Kong in the declining industryLeung, Siu-kwan Benjamin
2022A study of the structural performance of bearing-type high strength steel bolted connectionsLin, Xuemei
2000A study of the supersonic fluid flow over a plate with different surface roughness by a finite difference methodYip, Tat-yin Sammy
2005A study of the synchronization and desynchronization dynamics of the neural oscillatory network and the applications in scene analysisLi, Chung-lam Gary
2008A study of the use of knowledge management systems for leveraging knowledge processes in the Hong Kong public sectorFung, Lik Alex