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Showing results 11488 to 11507 of 13319 < previous   next >
2022Subsidy policies for reducing diesel emissions from in-use construction equipment in Hong KongHuang, Zhenhua
2005The substitutability between Hong Kong Disneyland and theme parks in the Pearl River DeltaKwee, Kwan-ting Tom
2023Substructuring methods for responses, response sensitivity, and model updating of nonlinear systemsTian, Wei
2024Subtitling as multimodal representation : a corpus-based experimental approach to text-image relationsChen, Zhuojia
1997The success and practicability of ISO 9002 implementation in Hong Kong construction industryYeung, Yiu-man
2000Success criteria for ISO 14000 certification : a survey of selected ISO 9000 certified organizations in Hong KongChoi, Siu-fong
2004The success factors and competitive advantages of Hong Kong OEM toy manufacturers and their difficulties in developing ODM and OBM businessesAu, Yu-kwong Paul
2018Success factors of the emission trading scheme to reduce emission in China's buildingsNi, Danfei
2003Successful aging : from the perspective of Hong Kong elderly : a qualitative approachChan, Lai-hung Candy
2005Successful factors for implementing business process reengineering (BPR) : an empirical study of financial services industry in Hong KongChiu, See-fong Ida
2010Successful IT outsourcing to ChinaWang, Tingting
2014Super-resolution study via interpolation techniquesHung, Kwok Wai
2010Super-resolution videos and their application to high definition TVWong, Chi-shing
2024Superior mechanical properties and multiple strengthening mechanisms of additively manufactured face-centered cubic high entropy alloysWang, Yilin
2020Superstition and IPO initial returnChen, Xiaoqi
2020Supervised statistical inference for data of versatile dimensionality with application to GWAS studiesXu, Sheng
2021Supervisory feedback : a mixed-methods multi-perspectival studyNeupane Bastola, Madhu
1999Supervisory practice in medical social service setting of scheduled II hospitals in Hong KongFu, Kwok-chu Kitty
1998Supervisory system for epoxy dispensing process monitoring in die bondingLam, Kui-kam
2015Supplier integration, green sustainability initiatives, and financial performances of fashion enterprises under global financial crisisLi, Wing Yan