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Showing results 12133 to 12152 of 13312 < previous   next >
2017Two essays on liner shipping network designXia, Jun
2013Two essays on managing inventory and production systems with poisson demandLi, Qingying
2019Two essays on mergers and acquisitionsGong, Zhaoran
2018Two essays on reduction of fake reviewsWu, Pengkun
2018Two essays on risks and returns in operations managementYiu, Lik Man Daphne
2022Two essays on social media in organizationZhang, Miaomiao
2018Two essays on the behavioural aspect of operations management : employee attributes and customer participationGuo, Yujuan
2024Two essays on the effects of information disclosures on investor behaviorsWang, Shuqi
2000Two essays on the role of accounting information in firm valuation : empirical evidence from JapanHo, Sandra Wai-man
2014Two essays on the role of institutional investors in IPOLi, Gao
1996Two heads are better than one : a new model of team teaching in ESP classes in a Hong Kong Technical InstituteTang, Thomas Ming-keung
2023Two selected topics in durable goods marketing strategy from the perspectives of depreciation and maintenanceYang, Hongru
2024Two selected topics in resources management and crowd participationDu, Yu
2023Two studies of human-AI interactionsXie, Wen
2020Two studies on improving the efficiency of vaccine supply chainPan, Yuqing
2021Two studies on individuals' perception on online disinformationXu, Yukuan
2023Two studies on the artificial intelligence investments of firms, efficiency enhancement and spillover effect in supply chainMiao, Shucheng
2021Two studies on user-generated content in online platforms : review valence, self-presentation, and sales performanceLiu, Fuzhen
2000Two variational problems in classical differential geometryWong, Chong-yung
2023Two-dimensional implicit stable node-based smoothed particle finite element method in geomechanicsWang, Zeyu