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Showing results 12153 to 12172 of 13312 < previous   next >
2020Two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide based nanoprobes for nucleic acid detectionOudeng, Gerile
2024Two-dimensional stabilized node-based smoothed particle finite element method for fluid flows and their interaction with structures in offshore engineeringYu, Lujia
2006A two-phase approach to solve manpower scheduling and task assignment problem in aircraft maintenance industryWang, Yingna
2004Two-stage flow-shop scheduling with due windows to minimize earliness/tardiness penaltiesYeung, Wing-kwan
2006Two-tier wages and organizational justice : a study of social workers in Hong KongCheung, Moon-wah
2024A two-way heterogeneity model for dynamic networksYu, Xinyang
2014Type 1 interferon-inducible anti-viral genes expression in dendritic cells during DENV-2 infectionChan, Chun Ting
2004Types of large shareholders, corporate governance, and firm performance : evidence from China's listed companiesXu, Liping
2001Typical electrical load profile for demand side management (DSM) opportunity identification in a hotel building in Hong KongLeung, Kwok-kin Eric
2021A typology of technology entrepreneurs in tourism startupsAndrianto, Tomy
2024Ubiquitous positioning based smartphone level GNSS, camera, and INS for smart city applicationsHo, Hiu Yi
2018Ultimate limit state analysis in geotechnical engineering using discrete element method, plasticity and extremum principleLi, Na
2024Ultra-dense motion capture algorithm for breast biomechanical modelling in design of sports brasLiu, Qilong
2019Ultra-high performance engineered cementitious composites (UHP-ECC) : mechanical behavior of material and structural membersYu, Kequan
2022Ultra-quality 4D-MRI for liver tumor radiation therapyXiao, Haonan
2012Ultra-stable oligonucleotide-nanoparticle conjugates prepared by silica reinforcement method : properties and applications for colorimetric DNA detectionWong, Kwun Fung Jacky
2020Ultracompact optical fiber sensors based on 3D µ-printed ferrule/fiber-top microstructuresYao, Mian
2021Ultrafast structural and functional photoacoustic microscopy towards clinical applicationsZhou, Yingying
2022Ultrafast ultrasound imaging for muscle onset mapping during its contractionLing, Yan To
2005Ultrasonic assessment of post-radiotherapy fibrosisHuang, Yanping