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Showing results 7747 to 7766 of 13312 < previous   next >
2007Molecular characterization of a novel gene JK-1 for its roles of molecular pathogenesis in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and the anti-cancer effects of gleditsia sinensis extract (GSE) on ESCC cell linesTang, Wing-ka
2017Molecular characterization of intrinsic and transferable genetic elements harbored by B-lactams and colistin resistant gram-negative bacterial strainsLi, Ruichao
2003Molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae non-01, non-O139 strains isolated from food and environmental samples in Hong KongFok, Wai-pang Stephen
2022Molecular detection and genomic epidemiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in Hong KongWong, Chun Wai
2010Molecular detection of vancomycin tolerant Streptococcus pneumoniae in Hong KongWong, Chun-kuen
2015Molecular dynamics modeling of interfacial plasticity in nanomaterialsChen, Kaiguo
2015Molecular dynamics modelling and mechanics analysis on the mechanism of brittle to ductile cutting mode transition in ultra-precision machiningXiao, Gaobo
2000Molecular genetic analysis of para-Bombay phenotypes in Hong Kong ChineseChee, Kit-yee
2013Molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance and virulence of Vibrio parahaemolyticusLiu, Ming
2021Molecular mechanisms of biofilm-specific antibiotic resistance in acinetobacter baumanniiShenkutie, Abebe Mekuria
2016Molecular studies of oncogenes JK-1 and GAEC1, cisplatin-resistance and tumor invasion in esophageal squamous cell carcinomaChan, Dessy
2018Molybdenum disulfide based nanoprobes for biosensing and bioimagingShi, Jingyu
2022Monitoring and assessment of construction-induced vibration impact on surroundingsWang, Shiguang
2014Monitoring and assessment of diabetic patients by Intelligent Footwear SystemMai, Kaiying
2015Monitoring and modeling of urban growth process using cellular automata : a case study of Dongguan city, ChinaDeng, Fanyu
2008Monitoring and modelling Hong Kong ionosphere using regional GPS networksGao, Shan
2016Monitoring and transmission strategies for long-haul digital coherent communication systemsDong, Zhenhua
2023Monitoring east Asian dust storms with geostationary satellite images using an integrated knowledge-based techniqueLi, Jing
2008Monitoring long-span suspension bridge with integrated GPS and accelerometerZhang, Nan
2023Monitoring of edge guardrails on construction site based on building information modeling and Internet of ThingsGong, Jiansheng