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Showing results 2147 to 2166 of 13291 < previous   next >
2010D-miner : discovering potential young drug abusersZhao, Guangyu
2014D.H. Lawrence's writing style in oudour of chrysanthemums : a linguistic studyZhou, Junjun
2021Dai Zhen's (1724-1777) sources of knowledge and transition of thoughts王安琪; Wang, Anqi
2019Daily variability of ridership and its relationship with rainfall : evidence from a dockless bike-sharing systemChen, Yuanyang
2015Dajiangyou : media practices of vernacular creativity in postdigital ChinaDe Seta, Gabriele
2005Damage analysis of particulate biocomposites using finite element techniqueFan, Jianping
2021Damage detection and localization for train axles based on quasi-surface wavesZhang, Yuanman
2010Damage detection and reliability assessment of building structures using stochastic approachesZhang, Juan
2000Damage detection of structure based on neural networkHowe, Wing-chi David
2008Damage identification from wavelet-based acceleration response sensitivityLi, Xueyan
2017Damage identification of civil structures via response reconstructionZhang, Chaodong
2020The damage-associated molecular pattern molecule S100A4 exerts robust mucosal adjuvant activitySen Chaudhuri, Arka
2022Damage-associated molecular pattern S100A4 : a potential adjuvant for mucosal immunizationLam, Ka Wai
2012Damping controller designs to suppress inter-area oscillations in power systems by using novel eigenstructure-based indexesKe, Deping
2015Dansyl-conjugated beta-lactam antibiotic as a fluorescent drug-based sensor for beta-lactamase detection and in vitro drug screeningYip, Chun Yin Karl
2018The dark side of earnings response coefficient : the role of ERC in future stock crash risk predictionXie, Si
2015Data acquisition and transmission in smart vehicle based community sensingHe, Zongjian
2022Data analytics for improving shipping efficiency : models, methods, and applicationsYan, Ran
2017Data center technology and managementLau, Kin Sun
1998Data collection and analysis of settlement characteristics of reclamation in Hong KongChan, Yip-kin