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Showing results 5493 to 5512 of 13283 < previous   next >
1999H[8] based damping controller for HVDC system with parallel AC transmissionChoi, Man-keung
2014HACCP in Mainland China's deluxe hotels : challenge and adaptionZhu, Ningyi
2018Handwriting performance among kindergarten children in Hong KongTse, Fung Ling Linda
2010The handwriting performance, visualspatial processing and their relationship of pre-school children with and without autistic spectrum disorderSiu, Wai-man
2004Hard chrome plating for ring grooves of piston crownNing, Andrew
1998Hard protective coatings on magnetic recording headsNg, Yuk Man Martin
2016Hardware/software codesign for performance and lifetime enhancement in NAND-flash-based embedded storage systemsChen, Renhai
2001Harmonic compensation for nonlinear loads by active power filtersWong, Yuk-kei
2000Harmonic current reduction in SMPSYan, Kam-man
2001Harmonic study of facility management centreChung, Chun-ping
2016Harmonics control of lift in high-rise buildingLi, Jiahang
2016The harmonics mitigation of centrifugal fans in air-conditioning systemsTao, Tao
2007Harmonics regulation and mitigation in low-voltage distribution systems of large buildingsYuan, Zhenhuan
1994Harmonics studies in 25KV traction power supply system of KCRLi, Kang-kuen
2001Has the government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region restored the market stability after the intervention in the stock marketLam, Kwok-yuen
2021Hashtags, emotions, and comments : a large-scale dataset to understand fine-grained social emotions to online topicsDing, Keyang
2022Hazards, vulnerabilities and responses of Chakma indigenous people : a case study from Rangamati districts in Bangladesh in the period of Covid-19 pandemicGarai, Joydeb
2000Head support for the elderlyChan, Chun-chung Walter
2001The health attitudes and health seeking behaviours of mothers of asthmatic children in Hong KongLee, Siu-yin Terina
2018Health care predictive analytics using artificial intelligence techniquesWang, Guanjin