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Showing results 5762 to 5781 of 13312 < previous   next >
2010I hope someday you can join us : effects of charismatic leadership, followers' submissiveness, self-esteem and individual differentiation on turnover intention in multilevel marketingLee, Siu-mei Salina
2015I'mLearning to conserve : mobile learning and interpretation for sustainable transformative learningTan, Mei Li Eunice
2014i*Chameleon : an MVC-based middleware framework for the support of multimodal application developmentLo, Wai Kwan
2014Iconic solidarity of comics canonical schema : a multimodal case study of narrative stages realisation on a Civil War comic chapterCheung, Hiu Laam Felix
2010Id-1 promotes cell proliferation through the activation of EGFR, NF-κB p50 homodimer and Bcl-3 in MCF-7 breast cancer cell lineKo, Wai Ting
2016An ideal window ratio for energy saving with integration of daylighting, electric lighting and air-conditioningWang, Xin
2020Ideational meanings of texts and images of the EFL textbook in China : case study of new horizon college EnglishChen, Fenghua
2013Identification and characterization of novel oncogenes located in a homogeneously staining region (HSR) of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC)Liu, Di Christina
2004Identification and molecular characterization of differentially expressed gene(s) among LeMDR1 (Leishmania enriettii Multidrug Resistance 1) mutants using suppression subtractive hybridization technologyWong, Lai-king
1998Identification of boiler using artificial neural networkMo, Kwok-wai Edmond
2012Identification of damages in steel structures using guided wave methodLu, Mingyu
2008Identification of emerging trends and issues in low cost carriers industry in Asia PacificLee, So-min
2015Identification of ESBL strains in Hong Kong using MALDI-TOF MS-based assayLee, Wing Yu
2009Identification of factors affecting intention of performing hand hygiene practice among Hong Kong nurses : an application of the theory of planned behaviorTsang, Yuen-ki
2005Identification of factors that influence the behavioural intentions of nurses toward mechanically ventilated patients : a test of the theory of reasoned actionChow, Chum-ming Meyrick
2021Identification of L2 interpretese : a corpus-based, intermodal, and multidimensional analysisXu, Cui
2019Identification of mechanically exfoliated graphene and applications of graphene impermeabilityShen, Xinpeng
1999Identification of mycobacteria by computer-aided gas liquid chromatographyYiu, Lap-san
2022Identification of neuroprotective targets for diabetic retinal neuropathyLam, Hang I Christie
2001Identification of novel chloroquine resistance genes by using yeast complementation systemLau, Chi-keung