Browsing by Year > 2022

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 625  next >
20222D α-In₂Se₃ under strain and ferroelectric neuromorphic computing applicationsGuo, Feng
20223D-laser-scan-based automated assessment of appearance quality of precast concrete components : a standardized BIM frameworkZhang, Boyu
2022Ab initio chemical kinetics and flickering flame dynamics of n-alkane fuel combustionChi, Yicheng
2022Abnormal accounting growth and analyst forecastsZhai, Weihuan
2022Acoustic nanoparticles mediated precise brain stimulation by noninvasive ultrasoundHou, Xuandi
2022Active bodysuit for adult degenerative scoliosis (ADS)Chung, Wing Yan Claire
2022Active noise cancellation headset designChu, Cheong Ming
2022Addressing the resonance : narratives of migrant social workers working with young migrant workers in ChinaChen, Ka Kit Timothy
2022Advanced anode materials for potassium ion batteries : insertion chemistry and stability explorationDu, Xiaoqiong
2022Advanced control of grid-forming inverters under uncertain operating conditions in AC microgridsLi, Zilin
2022An advanced study on automatic water-based suppression systems in several building applicationsSzeto, Dick Fung
2022Advanced textile image analysis based on multispectral colour reproductionYao, Pengpeng
2022Advancement of close-proximity (CPX) measurement methodology for tyre/road noiseLi, Dongfang
2022Aeroacoustics of a D-shaped generic vehicle profileHuang, Guangyuan
2022Aesthetic experiences in tourism : tourists, residents, and destination aesthetic featuresNasiri, Hakimeh
2022Age-friendly environments (AFEs) and their influence on psychological well-being and mental health among older Chinese adults in ShanghaiZhou, Jiajia
2022Agent-based distributed real-time optimal control for building HVAC systems implemented on IoT platformsSu, Bing
2022Airfoil tonal noise reduction by means of localized flow-induced panel vibrationArif, Muhammad Irsalan
2022Analysis of electromagnetic environment inside residential buildings due to lightning strike using FDTD methodsLeung, Siu Ting
2022An analysis of intellectual property rights under building information modelling (BIM) standard contracts in Hong KongCheng, Chat Yue