Author: Zhu, Deming
Title: Experimental investigation of vegetated tuned liquid dampers
Advisors: Li, C. W. (CEE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Structural dynamics
Damping (Mechanics)
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Pages: vii, 41 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This paper investigates the concept of using inclined vegetation to adjust the damping ratio of tuned liquid dampers (vegetated TLDs) against wind loads through laboratory experiments. The vegetated tuned liquid damper is proven effective to improve the dynamic response of the structure. A wave gauge generator was used to generate excitation wave to simulate wind loads. It is more accurate in loads distribution and the analogy of the shedding vortex phenomenon caused by the pressure imbalance on side faces of the structure, as compared with the vibration table used in previous studies which was limited to perform seismic loads. Different parameters were tested including vegetation height, density and the arrangement of vegetation. Positive results from the laboratory experiment show that vegetated tuned liquid dampers could maintain a constant damping ratio over a range of excitation frequencies. Also, it is able to reduce the imbalance pressure on the side faces of the structure caused by the excitation wave. The potential advantages in terms of performance and cost of using this auxiliary damping system over the conventional method are discussed. The improved performance of the building and recommendations for future designs are highlighted.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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