Author: Hu, Sai
Title: A full-stack approach to implement autonomous driving technology for low-speed delivery applications
Advisors: Hsu, Li-ta (ME)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Automated vehicles
Automated vehicles -- Mathematics
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: ix, 94 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: As the coming of Fourth Industrial Revolution and rapid development of artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles will finally change the way people live. In order to achieve automatic functions of a vehicle in urban complicated scenario, different subsystems must have real-time interoperation. These different subsystems consist of perception, localization, path planning, decision making and control. Certainly, these kinds of subsystems should work together on a robust vehicle platform with suitable sensors, good Controller Area Network (CAN bus) and strong computation support. In this paper, we focus on the algorithm and implementation of autonomous driving towards the goal of serve more people using this technology in the future. First, we detect objects in the environment using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and camera. Then we detect and recognize the traffic light by camera in order to obey the traffic rules in real world. Second, we generate High Definition (HD) map using LiDAR to do map-matching based localization in real time. Then we introduce localization using GPS and LiDAR, finally do sensor fusion to improve localization accuracy in a more robust scenario. Third, we do path planning to get a suitable path from start point to the destination. Finally, we use the data coming from perception, localization and path planning to do path tracking. The controller continuously changes throttle and steering angle to best track the path and make passengers comfortable. Finally, the experiment results will be given to prove the effectiveness of our algorithm and application.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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