Author: Feng, Yong
Title: Development and implementation of an assessment standard for green interior decoration in China
Advisors: Shen, Q. P. Geoffrey (BRE)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Interior decoration -- Environmental aspects
Interior decoration -- China
Department: Department of Building and Real Estate
Pages: xxxiii, 261 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Development of the construction industry has caused tremendous energy consumption and environmental deterioration. Faced with the pressure for increased sustainability, it is necessary for the building industry to develop stringent regulations and assessment methods to mitigate its negative impact on the environment. As an important part of most buildings, interior decoration has a significant effect on the indoor environment, health and wellbeing of occupants. Specific sustainable development evaluation standards for interior decoration have been provided by leading green building evaluation systems around the world, including LEED, BREEAM, BEAM Plus, and DGNB. However, in China, although assessment standards have already been formulated for various types of green buildings, there is no specific assessment standard for green interior decoration. The aim of this study was, therefore, to address this research gap by developing an appropriate and applicable assessment standard for green interior decoration in China. The study had the following four objectives: 1) To develop an Assessment Standard for Green Interior Decoration (ASGID), including evaluation aspects, scopes, types, stages, and rating system. 2) To identify detailed indicators, weighting coefficients, and credits for each scoring item of the ASGID. 3) To verify and modify the ASGID. 4) To provide suggestions for promoting and implementing the ASGID. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was employed to achieve these objectives. Firstly, a questionnaire survey was used to collect opinions and suggestions from professionals in the establishment of the assessment standard. Focus group meetings were adopted to determine the assessment standard's framework, i.e. scopes, types, stages, aspects and rating system. Then, through several designed steps' focus group meetings, a three-level hierarchy structure (Field, Category, and Indicator) was established to determine detailed indicators. At the first level, the life cycle process mode was chosen to divide the project into 6 fields: Green Design, Procurement and Testing, Green Construction, Completion and Acceptance, Operation Management, and Promotion and Innovation. At the second and third levels, performance evaluation and profession modes were used to obtain categories and detailed indicators; 138 indicators were subsequently determined. Furthermore, by the Delphi method, data needed to calculate the weighting coefficients of the assessment standard was collected. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied to calculate the weighting coefficients of the assessment standard. Four different sets of weighting coefficients were obtained for two building types (public buildings and residential buildings) in two stages (acceptance completion stage and operation management stage). The mean value method was applied to calculate the credits of the scoring items. In order to verify the proposed standard, a public solicitation and case studies were conducted to obtain comparative results with LEED CI projects. For finalization of the standard, the Delphi method was used to solicit experts' professional opinion on the modification of the proposed standard. Finally, to investigate the practicality of the assessment standard, 100 interior decoration projects were selected and evaluated using the assessment standard; 42 of which were successfully certified. Feasibility and practicality problems concerning the certification process were analyzed by implementation participants and recommendations for further improvements discussed. Overall, the assessment standard for green interior decoration (ASGID) developed through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods ultimately fills the gap in China's green building assessment standards. The results and processes explored in this thesis provide professional, systematic and workable research methodologies and guidelines for the development and establishment of green building assessment standard.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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