Author: Shende, Sachin Shankarrao
Title: Design and optimization of drinking water supply utility
Advisors: Chau, Kwok Wing (CEE)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Water utilities
Water-supply -- Management
Water -- Distribution -- Management
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: xx, 183 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Engineering project management with respect to optimization analysis has become a crucial concern amongst water supply utility sector to address resource availability, purification, supply, and optimum distribution of drinking water. Significant changes that has been observed over the past decade is because of the growing awareness about the reliability aspect within the water industry due to climate change and increasing population. However, assessing the technical design aspects of a water utility structure is not an easy task to address as it needs to be regulated to a special point of view which are not always quantifiable due to several crucial factors involved in it. A variety of concepts and criteria can be included into a suitable framework which is considered in this thesis which presents an organized methodology to the qualitative and quantitate investigation of drinking water and to the meta-heuristic techniques for the optimization of the water distribution system. The proposed methodology is based on the forecasting and optimization of the river water intake location considering demand management and its allocation which can be considered as an extension to the existing engineering consideration and modelling techniques. The measures are calculated using the results of the steady state and the unsteady state of pumping in a riverbank aquifer. For the planning and design, the only necessary thing to know is the desirable discharge and the aquifer characteristics to modelled the river-aquifer system. The traditional way of using optimization methods, e.g. stochastic meta-heuristic algorithms have come along with various constraints to explore an optimum solution. In this study, a newly developed meta-heuristic algorithm called Simple Benchmarking Algorithm (SBA) has been used to optimize the pipe size. A modified approach with SBA having interfaces with EPANET 2.0 hydraulic simulation model has been used to compute the minimum cost of Two-looped network and Hanoi benchmark WDN. Results show that SBA is more efficient in obtaining the least possible cost with fast convergence ability. SBA's compatibility with the pipe hydraulic related engineering problem is explored in this thesis. Several areas of water utility system are analyzed in detail and some advances have been made to the analysis and modelling procedures that are currently in use. This includes cost optimization-oriented modelling by selecting optimum pipe diameter without violating the hydraulic requirement, water quality modelling (forecasting safe distance of a pumping well, considering biological pollutants) and water quantity modelling (attenuation of pollutants in infiltration gallery). In addition, analytical methods devised herein which are based on Logistic Function, have been applied to the hydrogeological environment variables which are perceived appropriately representing the aspects being assessed.
This thesis compendium is a comprehensive effort (comprehensive summary of a large project, in this case, the drinking water utility sector) to analyze and quantify the computational performance of the optimization technique. To improve the understanding of such methodology, a verity of fields has been analyzed in an innovative and precise way. The framework which is employed in this thesis provides a shift in the way engineering problems are formulated in water supply system planning, allowing greater control of the analysis objectives and improved serviceability. It is believed that the approach developed herein can effectively address the problem by studying a wide range of planning and operating conditions. This research is helpful to water industry technical managers, planning and design engineers, regulators, civil engineers, and water resource academics/researchers. Drinking water quality and minimum cost estimation are important issues in a water supply project while designing and planning. Despite extensive research on the subject, most studies have not been able to provide simplified methodologies with efficient tools for optimization. It is inevitable that such physically deficient models may suffer from inappropriate mapping, substantial uncertainty inherent in the modelling and inadequate optimization during benchmarking. The major contribution of this research is the development of analytical models to efficiently and explicitly simulate the groundwater flow in the riverbank filtration facility. An intelligent approach to cost optimization of a water distribution network has also been demonstrated and this thesis advocates the use of SBA algorithm for the optimization problem in the water distribution system.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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