Author: Ou, Chenghao
Title: The solar-driven membrane-based seawater desalination system
Advisors: Lu, Lin (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Saline water conversion
Solar energy
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xi, 107 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Seawater desalination is very important technology to people's diary life. Clean and safe water is not only necessary for our daily lives, but also for maintaining the stability of the ecosystem. The traditional energy supply for the seawater desalination is harmful to the environment, so the necessity to use the clean and renewable energy to supply the energy to desalination system is meaningful. A solar-driven hollow fiber membrane-based desalination system is designed in this study. The solar-driven membrane-based seawater desalination system contains the solar pv panel, hollow fiber membrane humidifier, dehumidifier, solar collector and so on. With the hollow fiber membrane humidifier, the solar-driven membrane-based seawater desalination system can have a high seawater desalination efficiency. The mathematical model of the system is designed, and the simulation is done by using the Matlab. By designing the formula and programming the program code of the model of the system, the simulation is finished. The assumptions have been made during the simulation, it ensure the result of the simulation is reasonable. The simulation result is completed, the simulation of the absolute humidity and the temperature meet the reasonable assumption. The 0 solar radiation situation cause the wrong day calculation of the outcome fresh water.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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