Author: Xiao, Yang
Title: An experimental study on the suppression of peat fire by rain
Advisors: Huang, Xinyan (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Peat -- Combustion
Wildfires -- Prevention and control
Rain and rainfall
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xii, 99 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Fire is one of the natural disasters that people have studied for a long time. In the wildfire, the smoldering after the flame is extinguished is the process of the most harmful to the ecological environment. We can only judge whether smoldering still exists by observing whether there is smoke, so this is a process that is difficult to judge instantaneously. In the past, researchers mainly focused on the occurrence and diffusion of smoldering wildfires. There are few experimental schemes and data available for the suppression of smoldering in wildfires. There is a scientific gap about smoldering wildfires. Therefore, a simulation experiment was designed to study the suppression process of smoldering in peat. By analyzing the suppression process of smoldering in mud pool, it can provide effective theoretical and data support for fire risk management. The research method used in this experiment restores the peat smoldering in the field fire as much as possible in the limited indoor experimental environment. In the relationship between rain intensity and rain duration, it can be concluded that the greater the rain intensity, the less the rain duration needed to extinguish smoldering. In the relationship between rain intensity and rain, there is no clear trend for the time being. In further research projects, smaller rain intensities and greater rain intensities need to experiment. Moreover, more experiments of gradient rain intensity need to be designed. The experimental data and results of this experiment have a certain reference value for the further study of peat smoldering in the future.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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