Author: Wu, Jiaqi
Title: Shape-from-shadow for 3D surface reconstruction
Advisors: Wu, Bo (LSGI)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Image processing -- Digital techniques
Three-dimensional imaging
Three-dimensional imaging in geology
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Pages: ix, 87 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation aims to investigate a method based on shape-from-shadow for 3D surface reconstruction. Existing technologies of 3D surface reconstruction in computer vision are mainly shape-from-shading and photometric stereo. In these methods, shadows are usually regarded as noises and not expected in images. However, the geometric information hidden in the shadows should not be ignored. The shadow information can provide effective addition constraint for 3D surface reconstruction. This dissertation introduces a method of shape-from­shadow to achieve 3D surface reconstruction with establishing shadow constraints and merging them according to specific principle. Two experiments are used to test and verify the feasibility and accurate of this method, which include a plastic mask and the satellite images of Mars, and they are chosen as experimental objects and used to create shadow. The shadow images of them were collected and the proposed method was used to achieve 3D surface reconstruction results. Results of these experiments are analyzed and discussed. Results of these experiments are analyzed and discussed. Several more satellite images of the Victoria Crater were collected and they were used for the further validation of the proposed method. The experimental results prove that shape-from-shadow is able to achieve accurate 3D surface reconstruction base on a large amount of shadow images. In cases when only a small number of images are available, shape­from-shadow can also provide reasonable constraints of elevation in the area under shadow, and these constraints can be used to modify the 3D reconstruction results generated by other techniques.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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