Author: Tong, Chengzhuo
Title: Deriving PM2.5 distribution on walkable roads in the high-density city with low-cost mobile sensors
Advisors: Shi, Wen-zhong (LSGI)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2019
Subject: Soil erosion -- China -- Ürümqi
Land degradation -- China -- Ürümqi
Remote sensing
Geographic information systems
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Pages: 61 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The PM2.5 pollution problem has become increasingly serious in high-density city Hong Kong, especially in the walking process. However, the current PM2.5 monitoring network can only provide PM2.5 pollution information of fixed sites, not providing PM2.5 distribution on walkable roads. As a result, residents cannot intuitively understand PM2.5 pollution during their walking, and they are less likely to choose a healthier walking path with less pollution. Therefore, this thesis estimates PM2.5 distribution in the microscale walkable environment of high-density Hong Kong by low-cost mobile measuring instruments. Firstly, the accuracy and precision of mobile measuring instruments have been tested in the study area. Then, PM2.5 differences on sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, and footpaths in different time periods have been further analyzed. Furthermore, LUR models have been established to estimate PM2.5 concentration on sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, and footpaths. In this process, new urban environmental factors such as SVF (Sky View Factor), GVI (Green View index) and IBI (Index-based Built-up Index) have been introduced as independent variables of LUR models. After analysis and validation, these models have high precision and good performance (adjusted R² was distributed in the range of 0.5 to 0.8). Based on these models, PM2.5 distribution maps at 20m spatial resolution have been obtained. Finally, these PM2.5 distribution maps have been used to develop an app that can provide healthy walking paths with less PM2.5 pollution. In this thesis, we hope to fill the gap in the field of microscale PM2.5 distribution research in a high-density urban walking environment, providing a reference for such researches. Then, the feasibility of low-cost mobile measured data in PM2.5 LUR modeling will be explored. Most importantly, we hope to provide healthier options for people's walking in Hong Kong to improve their healthy travel and provide a reference for Hong Kong Government's walkable city planning.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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