Author: Tsang, Tsz Fung
Title: Microscope simulation model guidelines for Hong Kong traffic before and during construction work
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2019
Subject: Synthetic aperture radar
Mine subsidences
Coal mines and mining -- China -- Hebei Sheng
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Construction and Environment
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Pages: vii, 68 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The microscopic traffic flow models use for simulating the traffic of different traffic network. There is a little guidance on calibration methods for traffic network in urban city. One of the microscopic traffic simulation software programs Planung Transport Verkehr (PTV) Verkehr In Stadten - SIMulationsmodell (VISSIM) are used to analysis of many traffic networks in worldwide. PTV VISSIM provide various options for simulation and planning of urban transport infrastructure. Different countries have different driving behaviors and traffic networks. The calibration and validation methods for simulation traffic models in Hong Kong are important. Nowadays roadway construction work increases rapidly in Hong Kong. Roadway construction works include street resurfacing, digging, landscaped, street construction. Although roadway constructions work improves the environment, sustainability, competitiveness of our city, efficient of road network, it may also cause congestion effect immediately. The purpose of this study is to focus on the parameters that affect the traffic flow during the construction works in urban area. The dissertation will focus on the 1) find out the parameters that affect the traffic flow in construction areas 2) adjust parameters for urban area in Hong Kong. This study measured three cases with different traffic characteristic in Hong Kong. Tai Wo Hau Road has relatively high percentage of Heavy good vehicles. Percival Street has a lot of private car. And Castle Peak Road has relatively high percentage of buses. After collected the data before and during construction work, then input the into PTV VISSIM. In the calibration process it found that some parameters affect the traffic flow in urban city including signal control data, vehicle desired speed, relative flow of route decision, relative flow of vehicle composition, car following model, lane changing, intersection and junction area. After validation it found that the result is acceptable to reflect the field measurement before and during construction work. The simulation results of traffic flow, travel time and maximum queue also fit to the field measurement.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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