Author: Pongwat, Arunotai
Title: The examination of structural relationships among online advertising design factors and the degree of co-creation in wellness tourism context
Advisors: Law, Rob (SHTM)
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2019
Subject: Tourism -- Information technology
Medical tourism
Advertising -- Tourism
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xi, 204 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has created an incredible impact on tourism and hospitality industries globally. Their sales and marketing activities have been influenced by ICT development, especially marketing communication ones. Technology adoption and implementation is inevitable for every company. Wellness tourism segment is growing rapidly according to the healthy-living trend among the world population. Not only the number of people who are concerned with their health is increasing, but also the number of health and wellness facilities around the world is also expanding continuously. Moreover, this tourist cohort is considered as the high-yield consumers who are willing to pay more for the exclusiveness and unique tourism experiences. Tourism industry is one of the high-contact services, which involves co-creation activity in order to enhance travelers' experiences, especially in wellness tourism. However, advertising components suitable for wellness tourism are not yet well recognized. The current study focuses on the influence of online advertisements on travelers' attitudes toward brand and how it can affect their behavioral intentions. This study comprised five issues, namely, online advertising design, website evaluation, Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), co-creation tourism experience, and wellness tourism. A conceptual framework for evaluation hotel website's advertising for co-creation wellness tourism was proposed in the current study. The persuasive communication model ELM was employed. ELM suggests that audiences tend to engage more in the persuasive messages if they carry high level of involvement as the central route of communication, while the low-involvement audiences are inclined to receive simple messages and the cognitive outcomes do not last long. The current study uses experience to classify levels of involvement. The methodology of this study employed the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in order to investigate correlations between constructs. The independent variables used for evaluating the online advertisement design were borrowed and adapted from ICTRT (information, communication, transaction, relationship, technology) concept and degree of co-creation construct. The effects of the ads were examined by using central and peripheral communication routes of ELM as the moderator. Five dimensions of online advertising design in the study were product information, hotel information, communication, relationship, and technology (PHCRT). Two independent variables were online advertising design construct and degree of co-creation construct. Structural model tests results showed the significant relationship between constructs. The test of the moderating effect revealed the different influences of level of experience on the estimate power of online advertising design and degree of co-creation to travelers' brand attitudes, and brand attitudes to behavioral intentions. The results yield the important contributions to theoretical implications relating to communication theory as well as wellness tourism concept. The notion of the study confirms the previous ICTRT concept and expand the dimensions within the concept by addressing the significance of product information and hotel information. The travelers with different levels of experience required information differently as suggested by ELM. Besides, the results also signify the importance of co-creation experience among wellness travelers. The practical implications were suggested to wellness lodging operators and destination management organizations regarding the design of online advertising and co-creation adoption. Lastly, the limitations of the current study were mainly about the samples of the travelers who have experiences in wellness lodging prior to the survey. Therefore, suggestions for future research involve refining the sample characteristics criteria and improving the methodology by adding the qualitative approach to attain more in-depth information.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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