Author: Siu, Kai Yuet Paul Atlas
Title: Development of an intelligent elderly care service system for long term care planning
Advisors: Choy, K. L. (ISE)
Kwong, C. K. (ISE)
Degree: Eng.D.
Year: 2020
Subject: Older people -- Services for
Older people -- Care
Medical care -- Computer network resources
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Pages: xii, 158 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Due to the increasing ageing population around the world, taking care of a large number of elderly people who are weak and living alone is posing a greater and greater challenge. To enable the elderly to enjoy a better quality of life in their own home, the concepts of "ageing in place" and "continuum of care" have emerged, based on allowing the elderly to continue living in their community by providing them with social care in their home and paratransit services. However, with the increasing need for community-based services, there are insufficient resources including knowledgeable manpower and vehicles with special equipment for providing long-term care services. In addition, there is a lack of a systematic approach to schedule nursing staff and transportation vehicles, such that service capacity cannot be fully utilized; therefore, only a limited number of elderly people can enjoy the services. In this research study, an IECSS is designed for enhancing the quality of community healthcare support. Three modules are embedded in the IECSS, which are a front-end data collection module (FDCM), a homecare service delivery planning module (HSDPM), and a dial-a-ride service planning module (DSPM). The FDCM includes a service booking platform connected with the database, allowing elderly users to book the required services online and check their booking status at any time they want. The HSDPM makes use of the genetic algorithm (GA) to plan the nursing staff service schedule. The solution not only divides all elderly orders into different tours, based on the travel distance, but also considers the levels of nursing staff by adjusting the time required to provide the homecare services at elderly people's home. The DSPM helps to optimize the pickup and drop-off routing plan for serving elderly people with mobility difficulties. The clustering-based GA is used in this module so that a balance between processing time and the outcome of an objective function can be achieved. A case study was conducted in a Taiwan-based nursing centre which offers homecare and paratransit services. The results showed that the satisfaction of both the elderly and nursing staff are increased, with a better scheduling of resources. Since the ageing population is expected to be a serious problem in the world in the near future, this study provides a clear road map and practical direction to support homecare service delivery and transportation service planning to the elderly with or without mobility difficulties. The results are beneficial to society and elderly through the implementation of IECSS.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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