Author: Yang, Haocheng
Title: A multimodal discourse analysis of how digital representational tools function as meaning-making methods in MOOCs: a representative case study on PowerPoint slides in a spoken English MOOC in China
Advisors: Feng, Dezheng William (ENGL)
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2020
Subject: MOOCs (Web-based instruction)
English language -- Spoken English -- Study and teaching
Computer-assisted instruction
Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: vii, 56 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: With the development of information technology, people of all ages have realized that they should take online courses to increase their competitiveness. In China, English courses are particularly needed because of the globalization trend. In this background, MOOC has become a popular product since it emerged in 2008. Nevertheless, MOOC is still at an early stage. This thesis finds the research gaps: (1) few studies define what is an efficient PowerPoint slide and (2) the roles' changes of slide makers. So, this thesis adopts a representative case study, in which a spoken English MOOC is chosen to fill the research gaps. It relies on SFG and VG to explore how different elements in a slide function and how they fuse to create a better effect on students' engagement. After collecting both quantitative data and qualitative data, the findings indicate that (a) the language part and the image part function separately to realize the meaning potentials and (b) cohesion and coherence can be realized merely because of their limitation to a specific topic. Finally, this thesis categorizes different elements' particular functions and then suggests that MOOC producers should reflect on the meanings and try to combine them in an efficient way to present key points. In particular, presenters should avoid elements' conveying the same meanings.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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