Author: Yung, Kwong-ming Arthur
Title: Integration of an ice rink in a shopping center : a case study of Cityplaza Ice Palace
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1999
Subject: Facility management -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies
Shopping centers -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies
Skating rinks -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: ix, 123 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: In Hong Kong, there has been little research on the relationship between a shopping center and a leisure facility in terms of facility management. A leisure facility has become a part of important ingredients of a shopping center. It has a popular trend in western countries to add different leisure facilities to form an entertainment component in a shopping center to attract shoppers. An ice rink facility - Cityplaza Ice Palace occupying an area about 20,000 square foot located at Cityplaza shopping center with more than one million square feet shopping area is used as a case study. It is owned and operated by the shopping center developer. It becomes a distinctive segment with a special unique leisure feature in a shopping center in the retail industry. Shopping center developers are ready to add more entertainment to the retail mix. Entertainment elements are playing a larger role in shopping center design. The generally accepted notion within the industry is that such entertainment centers can substantially extend a mall's draw, lengthen shopper stays, and increase revenues for tenants. In order to create such a good shopping environment with leisure facilities, it needs to provide shoppers a clean, secured, comfortable, entertaining, and leisure atmosphere in a shopping center. Supportive services of facility management are needed including building services engineering, security management, cleaning services, lighting, promotion functions and so on, Such a demand for facility management would come from different directions like developer, tenants, leisure facility operator, and shoppers. The role of a facility manager would become more and more important to cater for different users' needs. Whether the shoppers or shop operators are satisfied with a leisure facility like an ice rink being included in a shopping center will be studied. Further, a demand for providing shopping facilities in relation to users' needs will be examined otherwise a facility manager cannot perform his duties competently to satisfy the users' needs without first knowing their degree of satisfaction. It has its research value to know how much time a facility manager spends on his daily activities including meeting, deskwork, and tour in connection with facility management. 'What does a facility manager do?' in a shopping center including an ice rink or that without an ice rink will also be examined to know their work contents. The results of the study reveal that it tends to have a minor impact on facility management function in a shopping center that includes an ice rink and the inclusion of an ice rink in a shopping center tends to have highly positive effect on users.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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