Author: Wang, Zhifeng
Title: Research on how biochar would affect the cement hydration
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2019
Subject: Cement
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: [100] pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Cement block is a construction material that is commonly used in the construction engineering area. Biochar is the material that remains after the burning process of biomass. In this article, we mainly focus on two points: On one hand, how the engineering properties of concrete will be affected when replacing part of the cement with biochar; On the other hand, whether CO2 curing will be able to enhance the comprehensive strength of concrete. Six kinds of biochar is applied in the experiments: 500℃ biochar, 700℃ biochar, pre-K2CO3 biochar, pre-H3PO4 biochar, pre-KOH biochar and post-KOH biochar. Based on the TG and SEM results, it can be seen that 700℃ biochar have better performance on comprehensive strength than 500℃ biochar. In addition, the optimal cement to biochar ratio is 100 : 1, which obviously improve the engineering properties of the concrete when compared to the control group. What's more, acidic and alkaline modifications on biochar are beneficial to the development of 7-day comprehensive strength. Moreover, CO2 curing is found to be helpful to promote the comprehensive strength and stabilize the structure of the concrete. All these results above suggest that biochar's application and CO2 curing will make a difference to the development of construction materials such as the concrete.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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