Author: Lam, Choi Hing
Title: Newly graduated nurses’ intention to leave in their first year of practice in Hong Kong: a longitudinal study
Advisors: Wong, Kam Yuet Frances (SN)
Degree: DHSc
Year: 2020
Subject: Nurses -- China -- Hong Kong
Labor turnover -- Research
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Pages: 119 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Background: Nursing shortage is reported globally and has reached a state of crisis in some places. The intention to leave their profession during their first year of transition is high for Newly Graduated Nurses (NGNs). Objectives: To understand the longitudinal change of NGNs' intention to leave in the first year and identify the possible factors for it in the Hong Kong situation. Methodology: It was a quantitative study supplemented by a qualitative method to collect data of the NGNs in a longitudinal approach. A total of 150 NGNs had been successfully recruited in the study. The online questionnaires were sent to them at 1st, 4th, 8th and 12th month. Nurses were surveyed to explore their intention to leave (ward/ hospital/ profession), occupational stress, professional identity, coping strategy, and locus of control. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate and logistic regression analysis to detect the degree of associations of key variables with the intention to leave. Thirteen out of the 150 NGNs, were invited for the interview in their 6th month and 12th month. The purpose was to gain a more in-depth understanding of their work experiences and explore factors possibly affecting their intention to leave in the first year of transition from graduation to being a Registered Nurse. Findings & Discussion: The prevalence rate of intention to leave the ward in the first year of practice of NGNs was alarming (63.6%), and about 20% of NGNs intended to leave the profession. The study revealed that occupational stress was a prominent factor connected with NGNs' intention to leave at the initial period but reduced significantly after that. Moreover, professional identity was found to be the prominent factor throughout all-time points in their first year. Those NGNs with no intention to leave had a higher professional identity score ranged from 102.60 to 110.81 than those who had the intention to leave with scores ranged from 90.31 to 96.68. The overall mean score was 101.52. Results suggested that the NGN's perceived relationship with the nursing profession as a member was important, and the workplace also affected one's intention to leave. Conclusion: To enhance their smooth transition from school to professional clinical practice, a one-year clinical practice arrangement with mentorship was proposed. Besides, hospital management should provide a conducive workplace to increase job satisfaction and facilitate the professional development of NGNs.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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