Author: Chen, Wei
Title: Hysteretic behaviour of S690 and S355 steel plates and S355 welded sections through cyclic actions on funnel-shaped coupons
Advisors: Chung, K. F. (CEE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2020
Subject: Steel, Structural -- Earthquake effects
Welded steel structures -- Earthquake effects
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: iii, 64 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Earthquake is a common disaster in many parts of the world, and it threatens structural safety of steel structures. The hysteretic behaviour of the steels is commonly described as an important index to evaluate their seismic performance. In the presented study, 4 test series, namely, i) S690 steel plates, ii) S355 steel plates, iii) S355 welded sections with a heat input energy, q=1.5kJ/mm, and iv) S355 welded sections with a heat input energy, q=2.0kJ/mm, are examined to determine their hysteretic behaviour through the cyclic tests with various target strains εm, namely, εm=2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10.0%. It is found that effects of the cyclic hardening and softening of the cyclic tests are apparent in their hysteretic loops. And the hysteretic behaviour of both the steels is acceptable under cyclic actions, though the hysteretic behaviour of the welded sections are deteriorated. In addition, a systematic numerical investigation is conducted in the present study to simulate cyclic responses of these cyclic tests. All the measured hysteretic characteristics of the tested coupons have been simulated with sufficient accuracy in the proposed numerical models. The combined hardening model is able to give highly satisfactory simulations to the measured hysteretic loops of various coupons. In order to further improve the numerical simulations, various correction factors to equivalent true stress are provided to fit the shapes and the enclosed areas of the coupons under various cyclic tests.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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