Author: Zhou, Siqi
Title: A study of the relationship between wind velocity and heat transfer
Advisors: Niu, Jianlei (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2020
Subject: Heat -- Convection
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vii, 65 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: People have done a lot of research on thermal comfort for a long time, but most of them focus on indoor conditions, while the research on outdoor thermal comfort is not enough. As a place that gives people a comfortable feeling in a hot and humid climate, the lift-up design building is very important for outdoor thermal comfort research. Convective heat transfer between human body and environment is critical in evaluating outdoor thermal comfort. The main parameter that determines the convective heat transfer is the convective heat transfer coefficient., which necessary to study, especially since the current research in this area is not enough. This study aims to measure the convective heat transfer coefficient of a thermal manikin wearing summer clothing in a lift-up design building. Finding out its relationship with wind velocity through the analysis of data. Experimental results confirm that in an outdoor environment, the convective heat transfer coefficient of the clothed segments was greater than that of nude segments, and they all increased with the growth of wind speed. Besides, the convective heat transfer coefficient of each segment was different. This research makes up for the lack of field measurement of convective heat transfer coefficient in the outdoor environment in existing research and has reference significance of future research on outdoor thermal comfort.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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