Author: Chan, Siu Tat
Title: Techno-economic analysis of a zero-emission shopping mall with integration of zero-emission shuttle buses
Advisors: Cao, Sunliang (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2021
Subject: Sustainable development
Alternative fuel vehicles
Alternative fuel vehicles
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: ix, 65 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Hong Kong is a modern metropolis, consisting of a large number of buildings. Each building consumes electrical energy due to various building services, and the major type of electricity generation (burning fossil fuel) in Hong Kong emits a huge amount of greenhouse gases. Therefore, the interest in promoting zero-emission buildings has been increased in Hong Kong to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings and relieve the severe situation of global warming. This dissertation has quantitatively and economically analyzed various strategies and energy management of a zero-emission shopping mall with the integration of zero-emission shuttle buses. The entire renewable energy systems and shopping mall were constructed under the design requirement of the HKSAR bureaus and were simulated in the commercial building systems software "TRNSYS 18". With the photovoltaics installed in the shopping mall and a medium-size wind turbine, the shopping mall and shuttle buses can achieve zero-emission and reduce 345670.31 kg of net equivalent CO2 emission annually. Moreover, with the Feed-in Tariff scheme of the power company, the renewable energy systems can repay the initial investment and operation cost in the fourteen-year and achieved the return on investment of 43.74% in the twenty-five year of systems lifetime. Apart from constructing a zero-emission model, another two control strategies regarding the utilization of the off-peak period are quantitatively analyzed with performance indicators, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each control strategy. Limitations and causes for the differences among the three control strategies are presented. The parametrical analysis of off-peak electricity price is shown for adapting control strategy 2. Control strategy 3 has illustrated the economic performance for a different scenario of the Feed-in Tariff scheme, which is the tariff is counted by the electricity exported instead of the amount of energy generated. It is concluded that zero-emission shopping mall is applicable in Hong Kong with appropriate renewable energy systems installed.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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