Author: Cheung, Man Long Jason
Title: Effect of indoor air quality (IAQ) on elderly’s health and physical performance
Advisors: You, Ruoyu (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2021
Subject: Indoor air quality
Carbon dioxide -- Environmental aspects
Older people -- Health and hygiene
Indoor air pollution
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: ix, 60 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Indoor air quality has drawn the public a great deal of attention as it plays an influential role in human's health in both psychological and physical aspect, the effects of indoor air quality are also particularly crucial to those who spend most time indoor and have a high susceptibility to it such as the elderly. According to the statistics figure of the World Health Organization in 2003, the older individuals usually spend almost nineteen to twenty hours indoor in the elderly care center, making their health more susceptible to the indoor air quality, the possible detrimental effects of unsatisfactory indoor air quality such as high indoor carbon dioxide concentration shall be worth examining. This dissertation investigated the effect of indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration towards the elderly's health condition and physical performances by consolidating a list of literature reviews and conducting an experiment examining the reactions of a group of elderly towards different levels of indoor CO2 concentration. The experiment setting different concentrations of indoor CO2 was taken place in a small hall sized around 90-meter square in a local health care center for elderly in Hong Kong, the Home of the Aged. Different scenarios were set by adjusting the flow rates of the primary air units which supplied air to the small hall and the variation of carbon dioxide concentration level of the small hall will be measured with a carbon dioxide tester. The elderly's reactions, feelings and sensible variations in physical conditions were recorded and analyzed by distributing questionnaires before and after the experiment. Based on the obtained results, the findings were compared with the reference findings from the literature review and the recommendation level of air quality standard. The indoor CO2 concentration varied the feelings and sensations of the elderly and it can be a good reference to review the recommendation level of indoor CO2 concentration. Limitations to the experiments had been taken into account to carefully analyse the data, discussion and suggestions regarding the current governing on indoor air quality had also been review.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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