Author: Ma, Jie
Title: A comparative study of phase change materials and water based on experimental heat storage system
Advisors: Niu, Jianlei (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2021
Subject: Heat -- Transmission
Porous materials -- Thermal properties
Heat storage
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: ix, 553 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: People have done a lot of research on thermal storage system with Phase change materials for a long time, but most of them focus on static or encapsulated phase change materials, while the research on phase change materials in dynamic environments as heat transfer media in thermal storage systems is not enough. As a promising heat transfer method, the heat transfer of phase change materials has always been an important research topic in the field of energy. In the past, people focused on the thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of phase change materials. The study of these two physical parameters is helpful for researchers to improve the heat transfer coefficient of PCM, but such research direction has certain limitations. Direct use of PCM itself as a heat transfer medium has greater potential, but the research in this field is still insufficient. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of PCM as a working medium in a heat storage system and to calculate the difference between the actual and theoretical values compared with water. The experimental results show that the heat carrying capacity of the phase change material emulsion as a heat transfer medium is better than that of water in experimental heat storage system. In addition, the properties of PCM emulsion and water show a similar pattern in the set temperature range. This research makes up for the lack of application of phase change materials as heat transfer working medium in heat storage system in existing research and has reference significance of future research on phase change material emulsion.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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