Author: Bhavnani, Geeta Gobindram
Title: Language and ethnic identity among the Hindu Sindhi diaspora of Hong Kong
Advisors: Ladegaard, Hans J. (ENGL)
Degree: DALS
Year: 2021
Subject: Hindu diaspora
Hindus -- China -- Hong Kong -- Ethnic identity
Language and culture
Minorities -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Humanities
Pages: 244 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This thesis looks at language and ethnic identity of the Hindu Sindhi diaspora in Hong Kong. Research surrounding ethnic minority communities in Hong Kong tends to group all the communities as one homogeneous group. There has been little research conducted on the various individual communities within each of the ethnic minority groups, and even lesser within each individual ethnic minority diaspora. This thesis fills the gap by looking at the ethnolinguistic identity of the Hindu Sindhis diaspora within the Indian ethnic minority group of Hong Kong. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to study this under-studied Indian diaspora. Modified subjective vitality ethnolinguistic measures and multi-ethnic identity measures were completed by 243 Hong Kong Hindu Sindhis of various ages ranging from 12 to 86. 1703 minutes of qualitative data were collected and analysed to study authentic ingroup spoken discourse. Findings suggest that Sindhis across all age groups are proficient speakers of English and have perceived their Sindhi group identity strongly. The older Sindhis are also proficient in the heritage language, Sindhi. Younger Sindhis may lack proficiency in Sindhi, however they are still proficient multilinguals who use a variety of translingual practices to index their unique Hong Kong Sindhi identity. Findings from this thesis are relevant to researchers interested in investigating Hong Kong ethnic minorities, heritage language, language attrition, language maintenance, ethnic minority identity, ethnolinguistic identity, multilingualism, codeswitching, and translanguaging.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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