Author: Xu, Dan
Title: The interaction of contact, confidence, and competence : from a perspective of task-based language teaching in Chinese as a second language
Advisors: Chan, Shui Duen (CBS)
Degree: DALS
Year: 2021
Subject: Chinese language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
Task analysis in education
Communicative competence
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Humanities
Pages: xiv, 341 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction of learners' contact, confidence and competence through using a "weak form" of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach, in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL). This study was carried out in a university of mainland China. A mixed methods approach, through questionnaires, exam/test papers, interviews and participant observations, was used for data collection between the experiment group (EG) and the control group (CG). The results of this study are: first, the positive characteristics identified by learners confirm that it is more feasible to adopt a weak form, rather than a strong form of TBLT approach in the field of TCSL, even for beginners. The negative characteristics can be seen as challenges to implement TBLT approach, and further contribute to improve the task design. In the process of implementing a TBLT approach, some crucial factors, such as the rationality of the tasks, the learner' needs analysis, the establishment of the research assistant mechanism, etc., should be taken into consideration. Second, TBLT approach can be regarded as an "effective driving force", and plays a positive role in enhancing learners' second language contact (L2Ct), second language confidence (L2Cf) and second language competence (L2Cp). Third, correlations among learners' L2Ct, L2Cf, and L2Cp are confirmed, and is considered dynamic. With the increase of learning time, the effects of TBLT approach becomes more obvious which, in turn, effectively supported the positive interactions among learners' L2Ct, L2Cf and L2Cp. The study findings may create and field-test a variety of tasks in classrooms, and provide reference for the establishment of CSL teaching model by using TBLT approach.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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