Author: Yao, Zhongyu
Title: Fake follower detection : effectiveness of feature-based methods and potential of data augmentation approach
Advisors: Chung, Fu-lai Korris (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2020
Subject: Online social networks
Social media
Computer security
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: [68] pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Online Social Network (OSN) is undoubtedly the first choice for people to exchange information in modern society. People rely on these platforms for news, updates and more. Although social networks can provide very effective information, at the same time, they are rapidly becoming a place for disseminating mis­information, rumors, unsolicited news, etc. It is essential to detect and prevent these issues in advance to maintain a healthy social network ecosystem. To achieve this goal, there are three main steps, (1) a series of profiles of fake and legitimate accounts are collected in Twitter, (2) the features of these accounts records are analyzed and implemented in a series of algorithms of machine learning, and (3) The performances against different learning algorithms are assessed thoroughly. The algorithms includes Random forest, SVM, AdaBoost, Decision trees, Naive Bayes , K-NN and Neural Network. The best results of accuracy, precision, recall, F-M, and AUC are 0.988, 0.992, 0.99, 0.99, and 0.99 separately. Experimental results showed that features in these algorithms are effective. Meanwhile, I investigated the data augmentation methods for text, which are deep-learning-based and more concerned by the researchers recently. It is also helpful to confirm whether the account is friendly to the ecosystem. The experimental result has an accuracy of 0.9836 and a loss of 0.0486.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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