Author: Hu, Jiaxin
Title: Online palmprint detection under complex background
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2021
Subject: Biometric identification
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: ii, 30 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: As a highly desirable technology, online contactless palmprint identification can provide higher user convenience in a range of high security applications. Accurate detection of contactless palmprint region of interest is a key step in matching such palmprint images. Therefore, this work attempts to devise more accurate method of contactless palmprint detection for the challenging images that are acquired under complex background, illumination, along with varying pose and scale changes. A range of deep neural network-based object detection frameworks are investigated to accurately detect key points between different fingers on different databases. We finally adapted YOLOv4 as a new detection architecture to be incorporated for the detection of contactless palmprint images. The efficiency and accuracy from different framework, using different evaluation methods, are used to determine effectiveness of such contactless palmprint detector for the real-world applications. A new database of contactless 2D palmprint images is also developed in this work to evaluate the effectiveness from different network for more challenging contactless images. The inter-finger key points, or finger gap points, on all the images in this database have been labelled and are used to extract rotation-invariant palmprint regions. We also use this database to present comparisons with other related contactless palmprint database in the effectiveness of different methods to extract reliably extract the palmprint regions. This report also presents some preliminary attempts to detect 3D palmprint pose from a single contactless 2D palmprint images, and visualizes encouraging results for the further work in this area.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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