Author: Chan, Ming Hei
Title: An empirical study : the impact of collaborative communications on new product creativity that contributes to new product performance
Advisors: Cho, Vincent (MM)
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2021
Subject: New products
Business communication
Creative ability in business
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: vi, 112, [27] pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In response to the competitive environment nowadays, creativity is vital and a key determinant for the success of many organizations. Research in marketing has suggested that collaborative communication is important to sustain competitive advantage. Leveraging the Resource-based view, this research provides a comprehensive view to examine the different facets of collaborative communication ­reciprocal feedback, rationality, formal communication, and informal communication, on meaningfulness and novelty of new product creativity, and their impacts on new product performance in a multinational manufacturing company. Based on 181 sets of responses, my findings indicated that rationality posits a significant positive effect on the meaningfulness of new product creativity, which in turn contributes to new product performance. As for the novelty of new product creativity, it is influenced by informal communication, and the use of ICT further moderates the influence of informal communications on the novelty of new product creativity. This study provides theoretical contributions to the new product development literature as well as practical insights on the essence of collaborative communication to new product creativity and new product performance.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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