Author: Chow, Tat-keung
Title: Application of an Internet strategy to disseminate investment opportunities available in China for an investment consulting company
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1997
Subject: Investments -- Information services -- China
Investment advisors
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: ix, 72 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Suddenly it seems that the Internet is everywhere! The Internet has brought new impetus to the computer market and it has enabled more business to compete in a truly global scale. The Internet has lots of application possibilities in the business environment, and this dissertation is concerned with how the Internet can be applied to increase the competitiveness of an investment consulting business. Many investment opportunities have arisen with the opening of the investment market of China. However, the matching of the many capital-thirsted Chinese enterprises to overseas investors is a time-consuming process. Communication is the main problem as overseas investors have little access to information in China, and on the other hand, up till today, there is not a single channel through which overseas investors can gather information on investment opportunities in China. Following the trend in Internet marketing, the major objective of this dissertation is to test on the feasibility of developing a focal point (i.e., a World Wide Web site for investment) for information exchanges for investors and capital-thirsted enterprises over the information super-highway - the Internet. This idea has been initiated with the widespread access to the World Wide Web (WWW) with the development of the Internet technology in the recent few years. In this dissertation, we will cover some of the latest technology used in the Internet. We will also touch on topics in the design of an user-friendly and attractive home pages. The idea to create such a Web site is not something simply from imagination. Whereas, for justification purpose, a pilot marketing research on the feasibility of such information exchange point has been conducted. The result is included in this dissertation, which has enabled me to focus on the needs and wants of the investors when designing the home pages of the proposed Web site.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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