Author: Tan, Wei-heng
Title: Design and analysis of vehicle routing algorithms for logistics applications
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2007
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Business logistics -- Management.
Transportation problems (Programming)
Delivery of goods.
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: vii, 58 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a classic problem in supply chain and logistics management, it arises naturally as a central problem in the fields of transportation, distribution and logistics, in which the goal is to find the most efficient route (usually meaning the shortest distance) for delivering goods from one place to another. It ensures that the delivery vehicle is always as full as possible, and indeed wherever issues of resource usage must be considered, such as empty lading rate, time window, vehicle type, transport means etc. "Backhaul" is one common VRP-related problem. Backhaul refers to a situation where a vehicle both delivers and picks up goods at each point along a route. To date there has been little research in this area. And a proposed approach to the backhaul problem has been VRPB (VRP with Backhaul). That is an extension of the classical vehicle routing problems where all deliveries have to be made on each route before any pickups. The proposed of this paper is to develop an approach to seek to improve VRP with backhaul problem. This approach uses a new algorithm, VRPNF (VRP Near and Far), where NF according to delivery goods from near to far (or far to near), defined measures of distance which are determining factors in route determination in this algorithm. Because not have same assumptions background literature on it, this paper will compare and evaluate the proposed algorithms for computation through extensive computational experiments based on the extended benchmark problem.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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