Author: Wong, Cho Yuk
Title: Will workplace exercise improve the well-being of security guards? : a field experiment intervention examining the implementation of SDT and JD-R models to promote workplace exercise
Advisors: Ou, Amy (MM)
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2022
Subject: Police, Private -- Health and hygiene
Industrial hygiene
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: ix, 147 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In a densely built area like Hong Kong, property management services (PMS) are essential. These may include financial management, facilities repair, maintenance, and a range of other services, but the most prominent is security. Security guards' work is sedentary, and most of them work more than 10 hours per shift. In single-block residential buildings, most security guards are older adults. Research shows that long hours of sedentary work may result in health problems, especially back pain, which affects job performance and can lead to burnout. However, no policies aim to improve security guards' work situations, and property management companies (PMCs) may be reluctant to provide exceptional care or lack resources to do so.
A workplace exercise program for security guards, especially those employed in single-block residential buildings, could improve these workers' health and well-being without additional cost. To study this idea, I used self-determination theory (SDT) to design an intervention bundle that could motivate security guards to exercise. I integrated the Job Demands-Resources Model (JD-R Model) to determine how providing job resources and reducing job demands might influence the effectiveness of the need-based intervention bundle. I found that the intervention bundle encouraged security guards to exercise more, and those who did experienced a significant reduction in their pain level. Therefore, PMCs that promote workplace exercise for security guards could improve these employees' well-being at little cost.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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