Author: Li, Yongzhen
Title: The role of older adults in fostering family resilience : a collective instrumental case study of at-risk elder-headed households in a Chinese village
Advisors: Kwan, Crystal (APSS)
Ku, Hok-bun (APSS)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2022
Subject: Families -- Psychological aspects
Resilience (Personality trait)
Older people -- Family relationships
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Applied Social Sciences
Pages: 229 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This study focuses on the supportive roles of older adults to their adult children and grandchildren, with the perspective of family resilience. Due to urbanization, elder-headed multigenerational households play an increasingly key role for individuals in coping with uncertainty and risks in life. In Rural China, older adults may have a limited and complex social network, affecting their supportive roles and well-being. This study examines the contributing roles of older adults in fostering family resilience of at-risk multigenerational households and how contextual factors implicate such roles.
This study employs the case study methodology. I conducted purposive sampling in Village One, which is located in Anhui Province, China. There were 12 elder-headed multigenerational household cases recruited in this study, where older adult caregivers were: breadwinners and decision-makers in the households, and have adult children and/or grandchildren affected by significant risks. This study employs semi-structured one-to-one interviews, direct observation, and document review for data collection. I used thematic analysis to analyze the research data.
With frameworks of family resilience, I identified significant risks affecting adult children and/or grandchildren, older adult caregivers' social support to them, implications to older adult caregivers with such supportive roles, and coping strategies used by older adult caregivers, as processes to build family resilience of at-risk elder-headed multigenerational households in Rural China. My study findings contribute to evaluating the applicability of family resilience frameworks in Rural China. Additionally, my study informs social work practice and research around older adult caregivers, which is at a beginning point in Rural China.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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