Author: Vo, Dang Khoa
Title: Modeling household joint activity-travel choices in multi-modal transportation networks : an activity-based network equilibrium approach
Advisors: Lam, H. K. William (CEE)
Chen, Anthony (CEE)
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2022
Subject: Choice of transportation
Urban transportation
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: xxxiii, 233 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Joint activities and travel involving multiple members in the same household and multiple households in the same cluster with close relationships (e.g., family or close friends) have been widely studied in the transportation literature. The decision-making process associated with joint activity-travel choices differs from that associated with solo activity-travel choices. The former requires spatiotemporal coordination of the activity-travel schedules of the involved individuals, while the latter is made independently. Any change in the daily activity-travel schedule of an individual due to a societal change in land use and transportation policy will also affect the daily activity-travel schedules of his/her partners and those involved. Such a secondary effect of land use and transportation policy cannot be captured by conventional network equilibrium models which disregard the impacts of joint activity-travel choices.
Considering the above research gaps, to enhance long-term strategic planning, this study proposes a novel activity-based network equilibrium approach for better modeling intra- and inter-household daily joint activity-travel choices. Based on the proposed approach, an integrated land use and transportation optimization problem is addressed to further investigate the impacts of intra- and inter-household interactions on households' residential location and the government's land use and transportation investment. In summary, this study makes the following contributions.
First, the study introduces three new household-oriented network equilibrium principles: household utility optimum (HO), stochastic household utility optimum (SHO), and stochastic cluster utility optimum (SCO), to model the intra- and inter-household interactions in decision making related to joint/solo activities and travel in multimodal transportation networks. In contrast to the conventional user equilibrium (UE) and stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) principles based on the selfish choices of individuals, the HO and SHO principles consider the daily activity-travel choices of all individuals in the same houseĀ­hold to maximize household utility and perceived household utility, respectively. The SCO principle, an extension of the SHO principle, takes account of the daily activity-travel choices of individuals in closely related households in the same cluster to maximize the total perceived utility of all involved households. The analytical relationships between the household-oriented network equilibrium principles and the conventional UE, SUE, and system optimum principles, together with their properties, are then examined and discussed.
Second, a novel network equilibrium model based on the HO principle is developed to investigate the intra-household joint activity-travel choices of households of different categories in congested road networks. The HO network equilibrium model is then extended to the network equilibrium model based on the SHO principle to examine the mixed equilibrium of individual and household daily activity-travel choices with heterogeneous errors of perception and interactions between private car and public transit modes in congested multimodal transportation networks. The conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the network equilibrium problems concerned are also investigated. These conditions indicate the existence and uniqueness of path and link flows, households' activity-travel scheduling, and time allocation.
Third, a new bilevel programming model for solving the generalized cluster land use and transportation optimization (CLUTO) problem is developed to address the decision mechanisms in terms of the allocation of housing units, road capacities, and transit services in multimodal transportation networks. At the lower level of the bilevel CLUTO problem, the SHO network equilibrium model is extended to the network equilibrium model based on the SCO principle to capture the interdependent decisions on residential locations and intra- and inter-household daily joint activity-travel choices of households of different categories in the same cluster.
The proposed activity-based network equilibrium approach in this study allows for the full integration of the time-dependent household daily activity-travel scheduling and traffic assignment problems within a unified modeling framework. In addition, the proposed approach results in the existence and uniqueness of link and path flows, which cannot be guaranteed by the conventional trip-based approach because of asymmetric interactions between users who participate in joint travel and use different transportation modes. Thus, the proposed approach results in a stable and consistent equilibrium solution, and is suitable for long-term strategic planning.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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